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NRP Campaign 4.0 Leadership Applications


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Here you may apply for Faction Leader or 2nd in Command, unlike previous campaigns, generals will be named by the first and 2nd in command along with the officers. If you have any questions ping community staff me (.Quartmaster-Duque) or any of the campaign developers on our discord (discord.me/nwrp) and we'll be glad to answer them. Note that faction leader is a very demanding role and is time consuming, please only apply if you have the dedication required.




Responsibilities of each Leader role:


Faction leader: The most important role in each faction, this person will be responsible for managing the whole faction. From doing map moves, naming generals and officers, commanding your Generals in battle and making sure your team is always following your orders. Very demanding role, but also very rewarding.


Second in Command:  You will be helping out your faction leader to command his troops and help him choose where to move on the map. You will be the one who will step up to the role if the leader is away. You will also aid in selecting officers and be a senior advisor to the faction leader.


General: This role is no longer able to be applied for as the 3 generals will be named by the first and second in command, but in short it is a role for those who want to be heavily involved in the faction whilst not completely managing it. Generals help the leader decide where to move armies and decide on tactics.


Suggested application template:


Note this is only a guide - if you believe you can change the template to make it a better application go ahead.

NRP In-game username:

Discord username:

Steam: (Link to your profile)

Preferred role: (Faction leader/Second in command)

Preferred faction: (Crown Commonwealth/Confederacy of Liberated lands)

Why you'd like to lead: ( multiple reasons)

What makes you a good leader: (...)




Good luck! Keep in mind that the campaign starts 3rd of august at 8PM bst so leaders will be chosen soon!

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Steam: (Link to your profile) https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sparkymilarky/

Preferred role: (Faction leader/Second in command) i would like the leader position. Ideally I'd like to rotate it with a couple other anglos. Me chinese and florian are the tri anglo axis


Preferred faction: (Crown Commonwealth/Confederacy of Liberated lands) crown commonwealth.


Why you'd like to lead: ( multiple reasons)

I'm well known and i enjoy doing authentic Wellington RP. Leading is just something I'm good at 


What makes you a good leader: (...)


I was general in some capacity in all previous campaigns. I completely took over AUSTRIA last campaign and won it for us. I always had huge success leading cavalry. I move around a lot, issue commands and am one of the best meele players on the server. I wont let cc rocket spam, i want to encourage decisive action

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Colonel Farts

NRP In-game username: ~Colonel_Farts~

Discord username: Colonel Farts

Steam: (Link to your profile): https://steamcommunity.com/id/Colonel_Farts/

Preferred role: (Faction leader/Second in command) Second in Command (2IC) because i'd still like to lead seen as I haven't lead properly since i disbanded my old regiment nearly 2 years ago, but i don't have the time to take complete control of the faction.

Preferred faction: (Crown Commonwealth/Confederacy of Liberated lands) Crown Commonwealth

Why you'd like to lead: (multiple reasons) I miss doing it, I do enjoy it but don't have the time for the full commitment of a regiment, and i think this would be a good chance to get back into it again. Besides, it's a more relaxed and easier leadership position than at the head of a regiment, and whats the harm in having a Yorkshire man lead every now and then in NRP?

What makes you a good leader: (...) Well without sounding pretentious, I've been playing on NRP for almost 6 years now i think, I lead my own regiment in NaS for around 3 years roughly, and my own Brigade in NaS (7 regiments at max strength) for exactly a year to the day. I specialise in skirmish tactics and anti infantry combat, I do have a mic and i'm willing to communicate with other players within the NRP community. However, rather than eating my own ass out, it would be preferable if you just asked some of the older NRP players what they know about me, they'll give you a more honest and down to earth opinion about me, in comparison to myself because naturally anyone applying for something will just big themselves up. 


Cheers - Farts

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NRP In-game username: Helmet_von_Moltke

Discord username: @Broke#4536

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ExecutiveDax/

Preferred role: Faction Leader

Preferred faction: Confederacy of Liberated Lands


Why you'd like to lead: As the leader of the CF towards the end of the second campaign, it makes a ton of sense from a roleplay perspective for Field Marshal von Moltke to continue his leadership of the Confederate army. However, I fully support newer people being bought up into leadership and as such, if somebody else is deemed worthy of the role, I'd like the following to strongly considered as the story: Helmet begins to focus more on administrative duties of leadership and therefore delegates command of the army other officers.


What makes you a good leader: I understand military strategy. As Helmet von Moltke (the elder) in the second campaign, I started really taking charge whilst I was a second in command and during that time up through to the very end of the campaign I haven't suffered a single defeat.

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NRP In-game username: Lexxe

Discord username: Lexxe

Steam: SuperLexxe

Preferred role: Lost Chronicler

Preferred faction: All

Why you'd like to record the happenings of the war and become a martial legend: Because someone has to

What makes you a good recorder and martial god: Because i can record and edit real nais and luck is on my side aided by my melee prowess.

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NRP In-game username:Novalpro

Discord username:Novalpro

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/hihelloheygreetings/

Preferred role: Caliph of the Crown Commonwealth

Preferred faction: Crown Commonwealth

Why you'd like to lead: Because I'm a long time cc-er and because I'm a good leader and good leaders win if they're gooder leaders than the enemies' good leaders

What makes you a good leader: Most importantly, I've read a whopping 50 pages of the art of war translated into arabic! Second of all, everyone has seem my outstanding performance as the leader of the grenzers last campaign, now imagine that flawless leadership but not leading a bunch of orange guys, but the entire crown commonwealth!

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NRP In-game username: QeAntonio

Discord username: Antonio

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Marianismarianus/

Preferred role: Second in command

Preferred faction: Confederacy of Liberated Chads


Why you'd like to lead: When playing campaign 2.0 (as an arty officer) I was doing my best to crush CC in field. This time I want to do so as Second in command, via fighting on field, but most importantly as an tactican.


What makes you a good leader: As a mastermind 200iq pro gamer and experienced chess player (really, I am not joking, 1v1 and you will see) I can support CF leader in making strategic decisions, and will make my best to do so.


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On 7/18/2019 at 5:52 PM, Vindication said:

NRP In-game username: Vindication

Discord username: Vindication#6242

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/SpaztikColon1/

Preferred role: Faction Leader or Second in Command, Either Faction is fine.

Why you'd like to lead: I want to experience command of armies in a Campaign both for my own joy and entertainment and for research for the development of the NA Campaign.

What makes you a good leader: I take calculated risks, but I am also willing to just put it all on the line. I also know how to read situations well and I know when things aren't going my way so I can quickly turn things around. I value every man on the battlefield because every man lost is a gun not being used on the enemy. That being said I am not adverse to allowing necessary losses to achieve victory.


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Colonel Frost

Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Helpicantseemylinkonsteam/

Preferred role: I'll be the faction leader, my high command will assist in strategy, and other colonels will be welcomed to apply and chip in to assist, although their assistance will likely be useless so we'll just have them on mute during meetings and let them claim some glory for themselves once we have won.


Preferred faction: Crown Commonwealth.

Why you'd like to lead: 

I'm well known and I command the 2nd Foot Guard and I happen to be high command within the King's own Brigade, I also like to torture public players and I like to kick them off very high places and have been commended for it by many other leaders.

I also play Europa Universalis IV so that qualifies me for master strategist already.
psst also check out my EU4 discord https://discord.gg/YXJp75Q


What makes you a good leader: I admit my faults and know my limits, especially when it comes to trying to instill discipline into public retards players..

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NRP In-game username: Skeepr


Discord username: Skeepr#6199


Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198114229688/


Preferred role: Second in command


Preferred faction:  Confederacy of Liberated Lands


Why you'd like to lead: ( multiple reasons) I have been a part of 3 campaigns, and I have been a great officer and tactician, I make the best of players and know their strengths and weaknesses. I recognise talent when it comes to Leadership so would give those who have earned merit the highest positions and would give my men a fair chance to work their way up the promotion ladder to become leaders themselves. I plan to help the Confederacy dominate this Campaign with swiftness and decisiveness.


What makes you a good leader: (...) I recognise skill, I am decisive and I reward people appropriately when they help the Confederacy destroy our enemies. I have read the art of war and can already predict the enemies movements before they make them.


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Alright, thank you all for your applications and patience here is the final decision about faction leadership and the status of each application.

Sparkymilky: Crown Commonwealth Leader, ACCEPTED

Colonel Farts: Crown Commonwealth 2nd in Command, ACCEPTED

Broke/Helmet_von_Moltke: Confederation of Liberated Lands, ACCEPTED

Lexxe: Neutral, "Chronicler" aka takes part in lore more often i guess, ACCEPTED


QeAntonio: Confederation of Liberated Lands 2nd in Command, DENIED

Vindication: Faction leader/2nd in Command either faction, DENIED

Colonel Frost: Crown Commonwealth Faction Leader, DENIED

Skeepr: Confederation of Liberated Lands 2nd in Command, ACCEPTED


If you're an applicant and you find yourself confused as to why you were denied or accepted feel free to dm me on discord, good luck planning, leaders!


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